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Amount of money you pay = "claim amount of my store" + "import tax that is determined by your country"

Silicon tube hose【S-S】1〜5m + Connection bracket (S-S joint screw, S-L change screw, coupler plug)

Silicon tube hose【S-S】1〜5m + Connection bracket (S-S joint screw, S-L change screw, coupler plug)

Net Direct Price: 2,258Yen

Prices vary according to options.


※コンプレッサー側に付いているエアーレギュレーターで減圧調整(メーターが少し上がる程度 0.05〜0.2Mpa程度の低い圧力調整)を行ってエアーブラシ作業を行っていってください。


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