Nozzle size 0.18mm【Pen sense】 Show: 10 20 30 50 100 Image: Small Medium Large Sort by: Please select Recommended Price: Low to high Price: High to low Bestselling Display: 9 items SP-A (Simple packaging)【Special price】 25,484Yen CUSTOM SP-A(Simple packaging) 35,640Yen SP-B (Simple packaging) 38,500Yen CUSTOM SP-B(Simple packaging) 49,500Yen MP-200A(1HOLE) (Simple packaging) 33,000Yen MP-200A(L3HOLE) (Simple packaging) 38,500Yen MP-200B(1 HOLE) 【Premium】 (Simple packaging) 110,000Yen The good also in part removing! OLYMPOS-200A(Simple Packaging) 16,500Yen The good also in part removing! OLYMPOS-200B(Simple Packaging) 19,800Yen